New Book Reveals The Hidden Weapons of Parental Alienation

If you’d like to know how your child can be so easily manipulated into cutting you out of their life, and the hidden weapons being used against you every day, this is the book you need. Written by an alienated child who reunited after decades apart. 

I share with you the real life examples of the weapons that were being used against my Dad – that he had NO clue about. Plus, I show why I went along with the destruction of our relationship – a real eye opener! 

 Here's what you'll learn: 

  •  Exactly how your child is programmed to believe that “bad things happen when you show up in their life", and how the controlling parent exploits this belief at every milestone.
  • If you wonder why your child thinks that they are making all the decisions – and it’s so clear to you that it’s manipulation, I explain it all in chapter 5. 
  • In Chapter six, I show you step-by-step how your influence as a parent is ruined one decision at a time – and your kid doesn’t even realize it. (or what they’re doing) 
  • Why the alienator is so desperate to keep the door shut after communication is cut off (and I’ll show you how they do it.) That’s in Chapter 7
  • In chapter 8, I’ll introduce you to the Orphan Complex, this is what keeps your child dependent and loyal to the controlling parent – this stuff will blow your mind and it’s EXACTLY what happened to me.
  • How the alienator gets your child to delete people from their life who could be good, loving influences – like other members of the family and close friends that are suddenly shut out as well!)
  • In Chapters 11, I’ll explain WHY your child won’t initiate communication with you or respond to you – EVEN after they are free and away from the alienator…this weapon is the entire reason I rejected my dad through most of my 20’s when I should have known better.
  • The good news is that despite all the weapons that sabotaged the relationship with me and my Dad, WE REUNITED! I share info about that in chapter 12!
  • DOWNLOAD NOW: (Plus Bonus Videos)


You Get These Bonuses When You Buy Your Book!

  • Free Online Course "Inside Parental Alienation" Including:
  • Free Video: "How the Alienated Mind is Created."
  • Free Video: "Why Your Child Cuts You Out."  
  • Free Video: "Questions to Create a Breakthrough"  
  • Free Video from Ryan on "Discovering the Truth I was Alienated"


Much of the information I provide is extremely counter-intuitive and even mind-numbing at times because it is from my first-hand experience of being an alienated child. 

As a result, it most certainly will not line up with your logical brain…that’s why this information is so valuable for you to get. You must understand the child’s upside down world view and manipulated mind in order to have a chance to make progress. Insider knowledge is key!  

I’m not a doctor, lawyer, psychologist, etc. and I can’t guarantee any results of any kind (of course.) I’m sharing my real-life experiences in hopes that it helps. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

This isn’t an academic theory or research book. There’s no fluff, filler, or statistical data - just real-life accounts of how an alienated child’s mind is created and why the reject you (even years after they are no longer living the the alienator.)  

And it’s easy to read. It’s too-the-point and you can read it in an afternoon!


Ryan Thomas is currently helping to save parent-child relationships in over 25 countries. He uses his real-life experience of losing a relationship with his Dad for over 2 decades and finally reuniting. Ryan coaches and consults a variety of high-profile individuals, celebrities and parents dealing with parental alienation, high-stakes custody battles, divorce aftermath, and long-term rejection.